Between mouthfuls and among the remnants of wrapping paper, let me say two words: Merry Christmas! And before you rave about the succulent occasion, I'll tell you a small episode in the lives of two, which might sound familiar.
Before arriving in London, I was a little skeptical about my fitness / adaptation with this city. I figured the gray, sprawling, somewhat hostile, a little surly. However, intercultural, I have already given, but it is precisely this apparent closeness that left me perplexed.
Between London and Paris, a multitude of small details make the difference, some more dangerous than others: the pounds, big smiles sellers in stores, the sash windows, the cars in the wrong direction, without mixing valves ...
different too, the size of mattresses. And
precisely where I wanted to happen. Because there is a concern. The mattress English, it seems, are huge, king size style. Is it to adapt to royal dreams inhabited by giants coaches and rivers of diamonds (seyants hat), is it because it's so dark you want to forget in sleep, is it just because the English love to be different?
fact remains that these beds disproportionate me pose a fundamental problem, which may well hamper my conjugal harmony.
You see, the concept of bed is very simple: a mattress, a comforter, size M and C.
Usually, M is much smaller than C , thus ensuring smooth nights, each property nestled in the thick padded. It must still be noted that some incidents may disrupt the balance of this configuration, especially when the man is cold, and mobilizes well proven technique called maki .
The technique of maki is very simple man, enjoying a moment of inattention night the other occupant of the bed, it appropriates the comforter completely enveloping like a piece of pickled cucumber , from the edge, the strategy then is to pull out of his skin to adhere perfectly to the sheet of nori (the quilt, so) . Consequently, the second body present on the mattress (the cookie, so) is found bench, exposed to frost bite of the night.
If you know what kind of difficulties, do not hesitate to fake an apocalyptic nightmare to wake up the cucumber and, very quickly, get your due.
although this happens rarely, and we were sinking up to the nights peaceful.
However, since our installation in our sweet home, M> C . Mattress Giant exceeds all sides, nothing doing, the quilt remains Lilliputians. Consequence: lost in this vastness, the two bodies in deep sleep phase seem to have an irrepressible need to pull this poor quilt, which did not ask anyone, it. As if she had to join after his bed perfectly so that everything goes well. Sleep in the middle (and namoure) no difference is mathematical: if M> C, even with a namoure fabulous, you have to worry about anything. Night after night, the same fiery fight replays, dissension flat ...
One remedy : another quilt. That's it, you're in trouble, it was as simple as that. (Thanks Mom and Santa Claus)
And since I'm not resentful (or I do not remember so if it was me who won or lost the quilt), I still continued to cook Meanwhile, as these little appetizers fresh and vivid, edaname (exquisite soybeans), black olives, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes with herbs and candied citron.
And as he was not spiteful either, as he had just concocted for me this wonderful chocolate tart, breathy, sensual and flowing, accompanied by a frozen carrot orange. Make me think to ask him the recipe if you made eyes.
And on the evening of theme parties Youplaboum, I can only advise you the egg to 65 with a few slices of truffle , mélanosporum, what else.
Jolie also greed: this little dessert to praline crunchy hazelnuts drenched whole, creamy dark chocolate, champagne sabayon . Point biscuit necessary, that keeps here the purest delicacy, its delicious flavors and textures free.
Until next year, I continue to rave to the present I do not think so deserving, and trying to master my new camera ...
For 2
Edaname 100 grams (or other beans)
a handful of black olives from the garden
2 tablespoons cottage cheese
a small piece of candied citron
love with a big handful of coriander and mint
few cumin seeds, salt Pepper
Crush the herbs in a mortar, adding a little olive oil until a nice paste.
Cook soybeans and Refresh under cold water. Mix with olives, pitted and coarsely chopped, season with cumin, salt and pepper. Place the container in
chose a spoon of the mixture bean olives, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, mashed a little grass and a couple of pieces of finely chopped candied citron. Keep refrigerated.
For 1 / 2 frame 20x20
* Praline chrunchy
70 Gr dark chocolate praline
160 Gr
60g whole hazelnuts roasted, coarsely chopped
* Creamy Chocolate
150g cream 150g chocolate
* Champagne Sabayon
2 egg yolks,
25 g sugar, lemon zest ½
70 g of champagne
2 sheets of gelatin, 125 g cream
* Some orange peel and lemon confit
crunchy praline
coverage Melt in a double boiler, add the praline and hazelnuts. run in a frame. Block the cold.
Creamy Chocolate Porter
cream to a boil, pour onto the ground cover, stir, pour over praline layer.
champagne sabayon mousse
Blanch yellow, sugar and zest. Mix and pour the champagne, whisk in water bath until the mixture doubles in volume, incorporate gelatin soaked and pressed then continue whisking off heat until lukewarm.
Mix the whipped cream. Flow through and allow to cool.
Before serving, add some diced orange peel and lemon.
Before arriving in London, I was a little skeptical about my fitness / adaptation with this city. I figured the gray, sprawling, somewhat hostile, a little surly. However, intercultural, I have already given, but it is precisely this apparent closeness that left me perplexed.
Between London and Paris, a multitude of small details make the difference, some more dangerous than others: the pounds, big smiles sellers in stores, the sash windows, the cars in the wrong direction, without mixing valves ...
different too, the size of mattresses. And
precisely where I wanted to happen. Because there is a concern. The mattress English, it seems, are huge, king size style. Is it to adapt to royal dreams inhabited by giants coaches and rivers of diamonds (seyants hat), is it because it's so dark you want to forget in sleep, is it just because the English love to be different?
fact remains that these beds disproportionate me pose a fundamental problem, which may well hamper my conjugal harmony.
You see, the concept of bed is very simple: a mattress, a comforter, size M and C.
Usually, M
The technique of maki is very simple man, enjoying a moment of inattention night the other occupant of the bed, it appropriates the comforter completely enveloping like a piece of pickled cucumber , from the edge, the strategy then is to pull out of his skin to adhere perfectly to the sheet of nori (the quilt, so) . Consequently, the second body present on the mattress (the cookie, so) is found bench, exposed to frost bite of the night.
If you know what kind of difficulties, do not hesitate to fake an apocalyptic nightmare to wake up the cucumber and, very quickly, get your due.
although this happens rarely, and we were sinking up to the nights peaceful.
However, since our installation in our sweet home, M> C . Mattress Giant exceeds all sides, nothing doing, the quilt remains Lilliputians. Consequence: lost in this vastness, the two bodies in deep sleep phase seem to have an irrepressible need to pull this poor quilt, which did not ask anyone, it. As if she had to join after his bed perfectly so that everything goes well. Sleep in the middle (and namoure) no difference is mathematical: if M> C, even with a namoure fabulous, you have to worry about anything. Night after night, the same fiery fight replays, dissension flat ...
One remedy : another quilt. That's it, you're in trouble, it was as simple as that. (Thanks Mom and Santa Claus)
And since I'm not resentful (or I do not remember so if it was me who won or lost the quilt), I still continued to cook Meanwhile, as these little appetizers fresh and vivid, edaname (exquisite soybeans), black olives, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes with herbs and candied citron.

And as he was not spiteful either, as he had just concocted for me this wonderful chocolate tart, breathy, sensual and flowing, accompanied by a frozen carrot orange. Make me think to ask him the recipe if you made eyes.

And on the evening of theme parties Youplaboum, I can only advise you the egg to 65 with a few slices of truffle , mélanosporum, what else.

Jolie also greed: this little dessert to praline crunchy hazelnuts drenched whole, creamy dark chocolate, champagne sabayon . Point biscuit necessary, that keeps here the purest delicacy, its delicious flavors and textures free.

Until next year, I continue to rave to the present I do not think so deserving, and trying to master my new camera ...
Edaname, olives, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes with herbs and candied citron
Edaname, olives, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes with herbs and candied citron

Edaname 100 grams (or other beans)
a handful of black olives from the garden
2 tablespoons cottage cheese
a small piece of candied citron
love with a big handful of coriander and mint
few cumin seeds, salt Pepper
Crush the herbs in a mortar, adding a little olive oil until a nice paste.

Cook soybeans and Refresh under cold water. Mix with olives, pitted and coarsely chopped, season with cumin, salt and pepper. Place the container in
chose a spoon of the mixture bean olives, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, mashed a little grass and a couple of pieces of finely chopped candied citron. Keep refrigerated.
Champagne Dessert Crunchy
Champagne Dessert Crunchy
For 1 / 2 frame 20x20
* Praline chrunchy
70 Gr dark chocolate praline
160 Gr
60g whole hazelnuts roasted, coarsely chopped
* Creamy Chocolate
150g cream 150g chocolate
* Champagne Sabayon
2 egg yolks,
25 g sugar, lemon zest ½
70 g of champagne
2 sheets of gelatin, 125 g cream
* Some orange peel and lemon confit
crunchy praline
coverage Melt in a double boiler, add the praline and hazelnuts. run in a frame. Block the cold.
Creamy Chocolate Porter
cream to a boil, pour onto the ground cover, stir, pour over praline layer.
champagne sabayon mousse
Blanch yellow, sugar and zest. Mix and pour the champagne, whisk in water bath until the mixture doubles in volume, incorporate gelatin soaked and pressed then continue whisking off heat until lukewarm.
Mix the whipped cream. Flow through and allow to cool.
Before serving, add some diced orange peel and lemon.