Roadtrip - Day 25 & 26: Yosemite Today, 3 songs for the price of one! Take the long way home ... The end has no end ... California here we come, right back Where we started "from ... The
Topaz Lake (who would rather be called the Grey Lake, in my opinion) is located about 1500 m altitude, so we again had not warm during the night, but c That was still better than sleeping at 3 in the car (Y 'was still one of us who stayed there for fear of being too cold in the tent, I would say that not to condemn not, but it was not me!).
So I say and I repeat
, even in California, in May, there is still snow (if we were told that unless you have zero English Sierra Nevada realized that it means snowy mountains):
But we still got lucky the first pass of the day was good (otherwise we would have visited the Lake Tahoe
it seems that's nice!):
Bah finally we just made a slight
detour of only 2 or 300 km! But it was worth it, is the only real mountain road that was made, and it was very nice ...
Then there are always people who have traveled much more than we
Angels Camp, there is the Jumping Frog Jubilee
, damage which we did not have time to stop it would be nice (the next road trip I do, it will be at least 6 weeks, 3 and a half weeks is too short)!
There are green hills:
And the "hippie style" California!
Failing to find a rest area beside the road, the car squats the "Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints " picnic:
And here we are Finally, at the entrance to Yosemite National Park
(he must have be at least 15 hours):
Yosemite is one of my big hits Heart of the trip is almost certain that I will return one day, we really have not had much time to do so (we had thought of missing the plane back but our boss was not too much agreement ...). Waterfalls, greenery, it changes everything we had done so far:
Bridalveil Falls :
El Capitan, which attracts thousands of climbers each year:
As usual, everyone had told me that Yosemite was great, but I was not expecting that at all.
is also one of the places where we saw the most people. Much in other places we've never had any concern for campsites in place (even the Grand Canyon had not booked and we had a place without problems, although there were many people), there there was only the walk-in campground, which consists of locations that can accommodate 6 people maximum. We happily arrived in time to have 3 seats on the same location (if not with one tent, two different locations that would have been problematic!). And our neighbor had the same tent as us ...
The bear-proof bins, where to store everything that smells (food, toiletries, dirty socks ;-)), because nothing should be left in the car, the bears can shred the door 's they were very hungry (but our tent is not "bear-proof" it, it sucks right?)!
It was really strange to see young people everywhere, it was felt to return to life in society, we realized that after a large majority of nights in campgrounds with 3 / 4 empty (whose only other occupants were rather older people in RV) we had almost become a little asocials!
In fact, the landscape level is much less "exotic" as canyons, deserts, cacti, etc. ... but it is precisely the contrast that I think I much appreciated.
And for once, we do not see the sunset from the car!
Yosemite falls (740 m, 6th highest in the world):
The next day, wake up early enough to enjoy the last day (bouuuuuuuuuuh):
As in other parks, it has had time to do the tourist part (the Yosemite Valley
), where urge all visitors (which is perhaps 2% of the park!).
It must be really nice to go in the backcountry, hiking and climbing.
I will return there, it's decided!
Until we put it in his eyes in the valley
Mirror Lake (you can see why):
View of Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point:
And finally, we come down to south park to see
Mariposa Grove, the forest of giant sequoias:
The California Tunnel Tree, cut to get the procedures (and mainly to attract tourists!), the tree is always living:
Faster cutting these trees to move!
The Fallen Monarch:
And so ends this trip really extra ...
We saw so many different things, all superb, it was really an incredible experience ...
I loved all the parks, I loved camping (despite the health conditions sometimes a bit questionable, but hey no one ever died from not showering for 3 days), I loved the road (albeit sometimes long and monotonous), I loved having the impression of being in another world, completely cut off from what was happening outside, in short, I loved this trip and I can tell you that back in the plane in San Francisco that was hard ...
... trèèèèèèèèèès drive (and of course returning the airplane he is NEVER late).
Last view of SF San Mateo Bridge
Well, I no longer believed, but I finally managed to overcome my review of the trip, I hope it made you want to leave or leave on the roads of south-western USA, me anyway it made me want to return. .. Tomorrow I will
say goodbye ;-)