Roadtrip - Day 24: Death Valley We left Nevada to return to California, and we slept in the
Death Valley at Furnace Creek Campground , located 60 m below of sea level
I imagine that this summer should be quite untenable (= furnace boiler / furnace), so much so that the price of camping pass $ 18 $ 12 from mid-April and mid-October! Furnace Creek
indeed holds the record heat in the U.S., with 56.7 ° C July 10, 1913. That said when we were there is more wind than the heat that bothered us.
A strong wind has blown in effect all day (and night), we see the right a huge cloud of dust that completely obscured the view:
The Death Valley it. ..
... dry ...
First stop, the Badwater Basin
, 86 m below sea level (the little water there a contains a high concentration of salt, hence the name).
few clumps of plants struggle to survive along a few puddles:
Looks like ice, but it is salt, I tasted to be sure ;-)
A natural arch:
And a waterfall without water (like beef):
The Devil's Golf Course ( Devil's Golf Course), a terrain consisting clusters of crystals of salt (it's hard and very sharp):
It continues ...
It is a roller coaster!
And we arrive at Artist's Palette:
The name of the many colors of this piece of rock:
Back to the valley
An oasis in the desert?
There are still people who had the idea to a golf course and planting date trees!
Zabriskie Point :
is happening now in the area of sand dunes:
Always a terrible wind:
Ca breath away!
Crissé My camera for a few days after that (but survived)!
We wanted to stop still some views / walks, but given the storm of sand and dust, was dropped ...
Especially since the Tioga Pass
, access road to the east of Yosemite (our next park) is not open yet (it's a high pass), we will therefore have make a detour, it is better not hang out too then.
To leave the valley of death, there is a road that goes for quite a while, so there are reservoirs of water to refill the radiator of the car in case of overheating (we don ' has been no need, with temperatures still very correct) !
And then the descent:
The pigs always take care on the road:
One last point:
Some cactus
and spreads northward ...
There is always a lot of wind ...
The mountains of the Sierra Nevada
I finally managed to photograph one of these signs "Adopt a Highway
. It is to have his name on a stretch of road in exchange for cleaning. Here is the American Legion which has "adopted" this portion.
A-shaped cloud mushroom cloud:
Caution to the wind:
And the sunset of the day :-)
So Death Valley is nice, the landscapes are very impressive, but I was a little disappointed though ... It's still a place where there are not many rides to do, especially the day we were there the conditions were not really friendly, and there was not much time either.
After leaving Death Valley, therefore, we should join
Yosemite. We knew that the Tioga Pass might not be open (it usually opens mid-May), and actually a ranger of Death Valley we confirmed it was still closed. But there was still was very stupid (yes I know it's not the first time), but it is not we come to the idea that if one of the passes were closed, the following might be too .. . It must be said that the roads blocked by snow in May in
CALIFORNIA is not something which one thinks instinctively (but yes normally California, are just golden beaches and surfers!). Okay, well I want to say that a
mountains where the passes are about 3000 m, and even in May and even in California, you can not go ... So after the Tioga Pass, the 2 following passes were also closed, and at about 11pm, was flying back California-Nevada border force to drive north ... I can tell you it's not a tourist area and the super shot at this hour, Y'avait not much open. We finally find a petrol station who told us a campsite not far on the shores of Lake Topaz
Again, the gods of the campsite were watching over us! But hey, that's not all, hopefully the next pass will be open otherwise it will soon be back in Canada ...
NB: I know it's a little fast compared to normal but I'm hurrying to finish by Sunday (after I should have more internet for a while) ...
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