Roadtrip - Day 11: Arizona In life, there qu'des cactus ...
The site is still the large class, panoramic view without leaving his bed :-)
The cactus
die too :-( It's pretty amazing, the interior is full of holes:
Deep , Sonoytan the mountains in Mexico. There is in fact signs warning visitors against illegal immigrants and traffickers that circulate in the park ...
There are many different types of cactus. The most known,
Saguaro :
Organ Pipe Cactus (cactus organ) course, which gives the park its name:
cholla cactus :
The prickly pears
. He sells them in local supermarkets, we can especially make
There are also animals. It has (thankfully) not cross charming critters as Rattlesnakes
(rattlesnakes) or
black widows, but fun
Gila Woodpeckers who try to glean some leftover barbecue!
It's really very beautiful and exotic ...
The cactus-hug is a very dangerous exercise, children do not attempt the same thing at home!
We could stay here longer, but the road is still long, we must leave ...
Marcel loved the cactus :-)
We cross the Tohono O'odham Indian reservation
We see that through a city because there are street lights (to illuminate the cactus ...)!
Oh! A city! It
Tucson :
An urban cowboy ...
Ugly honest purpose (ugly but honest), that's a name that is the envy!
I'm starting a collection of plates of cars (well, pictures!):
The center of Tucson is fairly small and medium-sized U.S. cities finally it is never worth the trouble to visit too I find , from 2 or 3 streets cool in general it has no charm ... The Fox Theater
The Placita Village
Downtown, 3 buildings and 2 palm trees ;-)
We do not linger longer than that! A
Benson we take the Highway 80
And we get to Tombstone
Tombstone was founded in 1879, when it was discovered silver mines nearby.
The town grew rapidly around the mining activity, but in 1881 and 1882, fires have largely destroyed the city, which began to decline rapidly.
Here was held the famous
gunfight at the OK Corral in 1881:
reconstructions are organized in the day, but we arrived a bit late ...
It looks like a western decor!
The mine cart:
And of course the Saloon!
A day more and less ...
is squarely behind our roadmap, the coup had not really found places to sleep in the corner, fortunately,
to Bisbee, one comes across a
RV Park (Campsite camper) where the very friendly owner leaves us pitch our tent for the night! The god is with us camping :-) There is even a roundabout! It's pretty rare in the United States to assert a photo ;-)
Once assured of a place for the night (other than the cockpit of the car!), We return to a ride in downtown Bisbee. It resembles a small French village, with streets
all twisted ... and impasses That too is rare enough to be noticed, in principle even small Cities are geometrically squared well ... I enrich my collection of cars through the Ladybird-mouse (it is unclear but there's a tail and ears), the watchword for the company to "pest control" (control of pests: mice, cockroaches .. .)
The city has an atmosphere very hippie slogan of the city: "Keep Bisbee weird! It is a city where a lot of resident artists ...
But the day the vehicle is permanently
it, just go to any comments I think (it speaks volumes about the mood of the city, because I think in any other city, a vehicle displaying not only the leaves of cannabis, but more and blaspheming, that would be unimaginable !)...
Like what they smoke in the desert not only cactus