Roadtrip - Day 10: Exploring the desert Me I drag in the desert for over 28 days ... Come on, we've seen enough of the sea, and more if you continue further south you will find in Mexico! Eastern Cape full!
There are people who are patriotic (but almost) completely ... It's decided, we NEED a French flag to put on our tent!
The scenery changes quickly, we are in open country:
It does not use much drive!
Old cars, cacti and American flag ...
Not much chance of getting lost, there are not many roads!
We took the 94 which passes closest to the Mexican border:
There are still gas stations from time to time ...
And they need because they have grooooosses car
Marcel a little bored in the car, so he asked all the time to take a picture:
Jacumbai we go back the very edge (100 m) of the border
, a car of the Border Patrol (Border Patrol
) is parked, but ... This fence is the border??
Apparently yes, I did not know what I imagined but it's weird ... In any case the atmosphere is special, the Border Patrol is everywhere, I guess it is better known as Smith Garcia in the corner ...
A little later, we stop at the Desert View Tower
, where the very friendly owner, Ben Schultz, is delighted to give us some explanations on the tower and its surroundings.
Casually we are already at 900 m:
the top of the tower an impressive view of the desert, then, with Interstate 8, which winds through:
At the foot of the tower, the Boulder Park, with sculptures by some Ratcliffe in the 1930s:
The owner recommended that we not miss the
springs (springs), situated a little higher. It follows the small panels:
To find ourselves faced with
springs from another genre (Spring)! Sure it looked a bit odd sources in the landscape as barren, but we did not see coming a scam anyway! Score one for Mr. Schultz, zero for gullible tourists ;-)
On the road again:
As official co I really great work ;-) Always straight:
Still straight:
Ooh, mirages! We dropped back, so he is much hotter ...
Attention will turn it a little, what event!
After a lunch break at
El Centro (the center of what's hard to say, not the center of the world in any case, as discussed below), we arrive at the Algodones Dunes
It crosses a lot of bikers:
The dunes are pretty, but the rest area is in the middle of two lanes of the highway so we can not go in, and anyway they are taken over by the quad enthusiasts ...
Everything is back on the road in the right direction!
Freight trains, 2 floors and 25 km long!
We arrived here in the "city" Felicity (from 3 people considering it as a city!):
That is, I learn it, without doubt, the center of
official world!
Jacques Andre Istel (one French?), Mayor of the city, decided in effect that Felicity was the center of the official world, and convinced even the Imperial County (county where the city), IGN and the Republic of China!
It seems that the desert people get really bored because there are tons of oddities like this everywhere! That may be the center of the world that does not stop there is not a cat but us! There is obviously a church
pyramid (where the exact point of locating the center world), but it was closed:
A sculpture which has resulted in photographic compositions fairly good taste (no you will not see anything) ;-)
And a flight of stairs that once belonged the Eiffel Tower! (Seeking always the link between the various elements mentioned above ...)
is not all that good but it still has way to go! We cross a little further the frontier of the Arizona
A fairly common practice in the corner, the letters carved on the mountains ...
A little farther, we pass a police checkpoint, we see even more Border Patrol in California, a funny mood ...
There's also a lot of army bases from the air in the corner, it's not laugh ...
Oh, a cactus :-)
Stop to refuel
Gila Bend, where they express their love of oil on the gas stations!
It then takes a southerly direction towards the
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument .
It's beautiful ...
The 2 or 3 "cities" on the road conveniently specialize in insurance to go to Mexico (vehicle insurance are no longer valid after the border), and the clean toilets (that's reassuring!) :
Ajo, 12 residents, 17 churches ;-) (what I'm exaggerating??)
Why . It is true one wonders why people choose to live there!
Sunset on the cactus ...
Assembling the tent at night, too easy, 3 min top chrono ;-)
Tomorrow we will test the tree hugs
on cactus :-)
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