Roadtrip - Day 15: Painted Desert & Petrified Forest Colours the world ... As usual, it's dark and we still do not know where we go to sleep, but the goal is to stop not too far from our next step, the Petrified Forest. One falls first on a very ugly RV park, rather a wasteland with caravans posed above, which indicates that there is a place where you can pitch a tent, but
indoor ("Indoor campground" or something like that) ... It has not even tried to go and ask if Y'avait places, it was really too depressing! Fortunately, the god of sleep camping again upon us and through a billboard puts us on the right path to a KOA
. It does not have the charm of State Parks campsites, but there's a laundry room, luxury!
Large lizards are still there, but by day they are a little less scary ...
The day will be spent visiting the Petrified Forest. This is one of the pleasant surprises of the trip. We had prepared the main points of the journey: the places we wanted to see absolutely road and commuting (who quite often changed once there!) but we did not want too see pictures to keep the surprise hit of the places were really a discovery at all, and that's fine because the places which have expected is almost disappointing sometimes. The Petrified Forest I saw more things like trees dead but still standing, and not at all (you'll see below), but mostly we did not know that there was also the Painted Desert just off, and c ' is that it finally has the most blown away. The favorites are also often related to parameters such as weather for example, and the light that day was particularly beautiful, with blue sky and a few clouds, in short all that to say it was really ma-gni-tific and I have a little bit abused in the photos (well as usual but even worse) :-)
Visiting the Petrified
Forest National Park is a circuit drive of 28 miles, with lots of views and multiple loops on foot (no more than one or 2 km each time, not exaggerate anyway ;-)).
Just after the park entrance (if it comes from the north), it first passes through the Painted Desert
, which is aptly named. We see in fact a small part as it extends hundreds of kilometers. I do not a description of the geological phenomena because it is not my specialty, I'll let you watch (and I know they say this everywhere, but the pictures it makes no real color or space or full of Other things that make it necessary that you go there yourself to really see ;-))
So we did virtually all loops on foot and was struck by the dryness of the air. The heat is bearable, but it seems we thirsty all the time, was on the lips and skin all dry, it's pretty weird feeling. Here are the balls of dry plant often seen in westerns (I have no better name, if anyone knows ...), y 'when they ride the wind on the road is enough funny:
I can not choose the best pictures, so here's some more ;-)
What is surprising is that while we are not on the verge we can not guess the presence of this magnificent landscape. Just before it like this:
It pulls with difficulty in contemplation of the desert, but there's still plenty to see ... It recrosses the Old Route 66:
The blow of failure in this unforgiving desert ;-)
is still flat ...
is when is faced with such beauty that one can not help but thank the lord for having created all these wonderful things for humanity
Americans ...
A little further you can see prehistoric
ruins, which date from 1300 after
Jesus Christ (This is where we realize we have not the same definition of prehistoric!).
There are also petroglyphs
And trains, but they are not prehistoric ;-)
It then arrives in a surreal landscape (again), Blue Mesa, and
Teepees (you can guess why!).
A little farther is the flat infinite
It is the path down the middle of these stone giants:
Again once I let you watch the pictures I think it speaks for itself ...
Marcel says he likes to walk, too bad because we made it all the trails! But once we're in the car he's happy ...
Even if he wants to leave the car for a quick photo without the windshield ;-)
Today I have a passion for the clouds, they are too cool: - )
And while I do the paparazzi (fortunately the stones and clouds can not sue me for invasion of privacy!), Marcel (the little rascal) tries to enter the girls' bathroom, I think not!
Marcel After reminding his catechism lessons on morals and stuff, so we arrive in the Petrified Forest
itself. They are therefore not at all dead trees that are still standing, but scattered logs:
In summary (in detail there is
): volcanic ash were deposited in rivers, mixing with sediment. Some logs were buried by sediment before they have decayed and the water dissolved the silica and volcanic ash was transported in the timber. Quartz crystals were formed and filled the hollow areas of wood and even inside cells, forming a "fossil" stone of the log.
It looks like wood:
But it's hard and cold as stone:
My obsession for me again the clouds ...
say we never find wood for the barbecue! (Well that there would not be much use either ...)
Even the lizards are colored!
In the visitor center you can see a log that was cut and polished:
And here's largest petrified tree in the park:
Once finished the road, we come back the other way because we will continue the journey north so it's faster. I can not help but make still pictures even though I know I'm probably the same way (I treat myself I can assure you)!
It always crosses some bikers ...
A point of view we had missed the first leg, the
Newspaper Rock covered with petroglyphs, we do not see very well because it is below, there are binoculars to see them better.
But the day comes to a close, and they must travel to Canyon de Chelly, fortunately not too far.
As often is entitled to a beautiful sunset (well, hence it is not the sun but it was super colors):
In passing we note that the windshield is starting to be a little dirty!
But the service stations they are not smart they are as water to wash the windshield is not super effective ... Fortunately I am very muscular, should rub!
Photo moron of the day (yes I'm talking about the next one and not the back ...):
And finally an eventful day, the cakes are no exception. ..
And tonight we will sleep in Indian
:-) PS: Well this post is super long so I have not the courage to read, I know there must be full and fĂ´tes all bin too bad!
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