My tarte tatin, the other day, in a comment, ask me POC that the series Cold Case could well be criticized. Ah, but many things, friend couch, but lots of things. And not just thin, pale combo sported by Lilly Rush in proportions more extreme As the seasons (this girl has apparently eaten nothing since 2007).
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Oh yeah, she is simply great, whatever. |
This series, at the base, I 'm addicted, because I like the concept: reopen an investigation dropped after a new evidence, rehabilitate an innocent wrongly accused, bring justice to a forgotten victim, reconstruct the last days / weeks / months life several years ago or even decades ... In short, the human side relatively exacerbated by the series, because, unlike other franchises of the genre, the crime does not start today, the assassin is not in flight or about to offend .. . basically, the fact that there is no urgency or shaking machine expeditious, efficient and immaculately oiled in the slightest its workings. And also, the idea of repairing a haunted past because the past is never that kind of merdouille that trimballe all and that on some points, we would like to correct (even if you do the smart by saying that Such Mylène Farmer Edith Piaf, regret nothing it). The series is always a little echo in the souls of jaywalkers, and does not expect (or little) on the gore or spectacular to attract audiences, which is not so common. Remain the distribution and characters, after all classics of the criminal cops to have a private life of shit, mostly because of their job but also because it must (necessarily, if it's not very catchy) personality a bit borderline for such a job.
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No, I did not put the wig on a doll Bonnie Tyler Corolla (ugly) |
The historic re-enactments are often quite successful, though sometimes referring to a somewhat fantasized past. I wish I knew how poor the 20s, they are or immigrant workers, showed a perfect shape also. Without trying to do in the sordid, imagine reconstructions from modest backgrounds in the 20 or 40 without crossing a single war crippled or even someone who simply rotten teeth a bit, it's a bit weird. In any case, in Cold Case, even the extras reconstructions of 1932 have a brushing nickel, clothes costume ball and a peach complexion (admittedly in sepia, but fishing anyway).
This "arrangement" with visual memory leads to another: when the inspectors questioning a witness, everything goes a bit too much for my taste.
First, the witness never lies. Even when he is guilty, he says, initially, a true story, usually with an element compromising for another protagonist of the story. Most of the time, he fails to mention a detail (ZE detail that the accused later) that will inevitably fall into the mouth, since interrogation interrogation, the inspectors will find this little lie and go back to him. It always a bit the same mechanics, actually.
Another thing that bothers me is the willingness of witnesses to testify that does now. Mostly this is due to social conditions that have changed (most cases Cold Case remained unresolved in their time with inventions as glorious as segregation, homophobia or misogyny). But sometimes not. Yesterday, for example, the second case of the evening was dated a year. However, a classmate of the victim he had lent his mobile phone less than an hour before his death, and had never reported to police at the relevant time. The boy was innocent, did not suffer any pressure the culprit, had generally done nothing wrong and was, apart from the murderer, the last person to see the victim alive, and not a second in a year he has thought noted that his friend had borrowed his mobile phone just before disappearing. Well, it's never good to be the last person to see the victim alive, but when one is innocent and that the guy just disappeared (to his disappearance, police had initially believed a fugue) is a bit stupid, right?
Finally, and this fishing as once it was spotted, the nonsense narrative reconstructions is obvious: they are presented to us as if inspectors had actually attended the examination to the facts at the scene, noticing every detail in an expression, a word used, an object in the scene ... The memories of witnesses are so precise that they remember every detail moron (moron whose retail assassin had just talked a little earlier in the episode when it was absolutely not necessary for its history). Once this bias has been captured, you can not see it, and it is even to find the killer before this gourd Lilly Rush.
An example? Roberta has murdered his sister Micheline, probably because Micheline was a big idiot, or because she was so jealous, we know more too. She has slain the wretched stroke of a stove or a knife, finally something that was lying in the kitchen qui comme chacun le sait était la place des femmes dans à peu près n'importe quel époque située entre hier midi et 1900. Quand l'enquête est réouverte, elle raconte un peu sa laïfe aux inspecteurs Rush et Valens, en omettant évidemment de raconter à quel point elle était jalouse de sa sœur. Au passage, elle leur raconte que justement, ce jour-là elle venait de se faire voler son manteau jaune fluo (ouais, elle a un manteau qu'on est obligés de repérer, ce sera plus pratique ensuite pour la confondre), ce qui n'a rien à voir mais bon. Trente minutes plus tard dans l'épisode, Albator, le mari de Micheline qui est maintenant veuf, vieux et aigri, raconte comment il s'est Micheline played with ten minutes before it is carried to slaughter ... and he remembers a miracle to have glimpsed a bright yellow coat hanging on a peg of the entry. "How?" , then exclaims Lilly Rush. "But Roberta told us that someone had stolen his coat a week before! She lied! But why?" . Follows an examination of two minutes flat at which cracks and Roberta spring his old coat in the attic now yellow piss and covered with the blood of his brave sister (yeah, she has kept this overwhelming evidence in his attic for 30 years, a problem? ) (although it was also dumb as her sister, Roberta, in fact).
Whether the memory of guilty or of bystanders, everyone has a purely cinematic memory. Makes you wonder why they do not bossent in the police, all these brave people.
Yesterday, in the genre "specific recollection", we had a witness who tells his story so well that he remembers that, twenty years earlier, one of his employees spent a half- second in the hallway outside his office while he talked with the victim, thus appearing in the doorway in passing. Obviously, this takes place ten minutes before the murder and did never made the connection. Or, in the second episode, the first witness examined remembers, coincidentally, an argument that has nothing to do with the rest of the case, in which he saw a tattoo on a guy which it falls awfully well say then, is the new evidence of the investigation. Tattoo that no inspector had spoken to him and he just saw a half-second a year before.
short, the land of Lilly, everything goes a little too well. The present time seems so sweet, so soothed social tensions the past, and we can finally find the people who kill blacks with impunity because they were black or women because they were women. A little too easy, in a landscape of U.S. series that rival today scriptwriting and visual qualities. The recipe struggling to renew itself from one episode to another (a new discovery of evidence and reopening of the investigation / nostalgic memories of those who loved the victim / revelations about the life of the victim in the months preceding death / interview show that the victim had driven at least five people to want to kill that day [bad luck] / Resolution / arrest the culprit, period music in the background [one of the great strengths of the series], moving images of people who have taken their lives, ghost of the victim, end), no wonder the series has ended make the antenna after seven seasons of loyal service.
Still, since, Kathryn Morris has tried to move into the phase peoplisation, and have managed to trigger jealousy and therefore the wrath of Angelina Jolie approaching Dick Brave Brad Pitt on the set of their latest film. Hot, skinny?
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