Sunday, May 30, 2010

Small Truck And Best Fuel Efficiency

Two years!

On May 30, 2008, I opened this blog. Since then, many waters have passed under the bridge. Personal change first stage of alcohol withdrawal (I will say more in a future post.), and fewer tickets (Twitter and FB to me puff up my time!), the policy that always rhyme with disappointment, and then step back, etc.. That said, yesterday, some "friends" bloggers were celebrating the not fatal to TCE (Warning, I'm not going to do that z'amis ^ ^).
Now What do you observe it? five years after the refusal of Europe with government economic policy, the Liberal lobby, ie the giants of finance, has felt any permit, the heist of the century (private debt and artificially transformed into virtual public debt, real) national policies selfish and regressive / repressive French Left still bulk (three communist parties, a PS who cheated with its members / supporters to Rheims [Another robbery], EA is still looking ...), a French right increasingly dominated by the arrogant Funny type that should not be there, but who understood that day, he had his chances. The man of liberalism, very smart, understood that by voting no, the voters sanctioned the bulk of the offensive liberal Bush-Thatcher-TINA disconnection of economic policy with the moron and his credo: " The state did not produce nuts! "gold, which produces bolts, creates wealth, revenue of the company? No, workers cheated of 10 to 15% of income from their work to the benefit of capitalists, about twenty years. Submit this
European Constitutional Treaty was a huge crap Chirac (Hey! He also should never have been there!) Because it was just the logical extension of the Maastricht Treaty, voted him by the voters (who said common currency common economic government says!). And I'll plug my ticket (voter!) There will never be a referendum in France.

Friends canonists of awkward, I feel no contempt for you, no, I will simply say affection pity, compassion, eternal cuckolds of history, victims who are voting with their executioners (Vote Le Pen (dre), Pasqua, de Villiers, what glory !!!). Remember this reply at the end of the film hole J. Becker? "Poor guy!"
Then, five lost years, a European Council which sails on demand (850 billion euros in one night are found, in fact, a new treaty ...), a committee chaired by a former Maoist turned and steered by the CIA ...
So next? PS A led by a puppet manipulated and monitored in hand by a former prime minister who has practiced a policy right and that did not pass the first round of the presidential one side and the only person I know presidential , free, perhaps a little too free, on the other. (Yes, I am absolutely not but Ségol ségolâtre!). A super-Nullos which, in fact, dominates the right and left via DSK, you know the preferred candidate of the left from right!
What I know is that the wheel turns for everyone and just like the late USSR, which must fall down.
(which I wanted to write a single ticket birthday, I talked politics, nah but I swear!)
Below is the latest edition of My Eye Michel Monpontet which speaks volumes about the art of manipulating the masses.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Master Degree Florence Design Academy

(Not much) And some radishes.

It's cold. But.

But there are flowers, sweets
Japanese and radish-like Danish.

These things are sweet and round Monakea a wagashi made two very thin wafers made from rice flour, stuffed with azuki paste. Very sweet, but very comforting.
This brings me to: Where to find Japanese products in London? And I answer: Japan Centre 14-16 Regent Street - London SW1


Small radishes planted in the ground, noma style have little effect on their table, certainly, but are mostly excellent.


Serves 6

a bunch of radishes with their tops
for land: 2 thin slices of rye bread, a dab of salted butter for cream
150g fresh cheese (ricotta cheese for me)
50 grams of yoghurt
salt, pepper 1 large handful

tarragon 1 / 4 lemon juice

Wash radishes and dried. (If necessary, cut some tops)

Do (good) toast the rye bread and crumble it and rewrite it in a skillet until it is completely dry. Grind in a mortar to obtain a coarse powder and fry this mixture with a dollop of salted butter. Book.

Grind tarragon in a mortar and mix with cream cheese and yogurt. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

In small pots, spread the cream and tarragon, plant some radishes and cover with earth.

*** I am trying to find a "real" recipe Danish rye bread, moist, dense and aromatic. I'm not there quite yet, but close. If I found the crushed grains of rye, I omitted the Danish beer, dark and caramelized.

This brings me to: Where to find products Nordic in London? And I promise you
: Totally Swedish , 32 Crawford Street, W1H 1LS

*** I'll be back soon with my new toy food, and adventures very ... hot!