Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rsvp Wording In Spanish

The Sun ... at night!

Aurora lasts six months, dusk six others. I escape that nature can also be tedious, seasons, mixed climates, the daily alternation of day and silly night. Here, near the pole, nature does more agitated, she does the ironing. And then there is the sea, the sky, the prairie, these large white pages that are written without me.
[...] What is beautiful in a mystery, the secret it contains, not the truth it hides.
Eric S-Emannuel CHMITT , Enigma Variations.

Aurora Borealis timelapse HD - Tromsø from 2010 Tor Even Mathisen we Vimeo.

Otherwise, I'm going away on March ...

PS & NB: The name of this blog : Day and night, has nothing to do with a movie ...


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